The Cars of Colorado

I just got back from a 6-day visit to Colorado. I first visited this wonderful state in 1977, and have made numerous business and personal trips to it since then. I’ve always been struck by the state’s natural beauty, and as a car enthusiast, I’ve been further struck by how its arid and sunny climate helps ensure the longevity of automotive sheetmetal, perhaps even more than what one finds in California.

A lot of our time was spent behind the wheel of a modern rental, so many old car spottings were not able to be caught on camera. However, the ones I did snap (using my phone, as I left the DSLR at home for this trip) are included here. If you come across a collector car which claims to be from Colorado, you can almost be certain that the tin worm has not inflicted much damage.

These two station wagons were parked on the perimeter of a ranch outside of Canon City, in the southern part of the state. The vivid “NO TRESPASSING” sign kept me from getting as close as I would have liked. The Ford had this odd camper-like projection on its back. At first I thought that the car’s roof had been cut, but that does not appear to be the case. The Rambler wagon was hooked to a camper as well, but with a trailer hitch.

We were visiting an aunt who lives in Florence, a small town south of Canon City, and these next 4 photos were all taken while on a stroll through her neighborhood.

The VW bus, which does show some rust, had been parked on the street the previous day, so I presume that it’s a driver. The Olds 442 (1969?) looks like a project car.
This 1957 Ford Ranchero, first year for the body style, was parked in a fenced-in yard, and may not have moved under its own power for some time.
This 1967 Mustang looks like it’s getting some regular exercise.
With the wheelbarrow in front and the tractor behind, this Chevrolet pickup truck nicely completes the “vehicle as yard art” scene.

The city of Denver had multiple modern Subarus on every block, and as many Teslas as I see in NJ. Still, a few old cars continue to be pushed into daily driver duty.

A blacked-out Chevrolet El Camino
A sharp 1966 Mustang

Finally, the only Alfa Romeo I spotted after almost a week in the state:

This Stelvio was parked in Morrison, outside of Red Rocks Park.


All photographs copyright © 2024 Richard A. Reina. Photos may not be copied or reproduced without express written permission.





7 thoughts on “The Cars of Colorado

  1. Richard you have an eye for cars!

    Sent from my iPhone


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